Thursday 11 January: Anders Krabbe (King’s College)

From Revolution to Revenue Stream: How Corporate Targets Co-opt Social Movement Attacks   About the Research Research on social movements has shown that activist attacks on corporate targets can help to create new market opportunities. Because these opportunities...

Monday 18 December: Fabien Accominotti (UW-Madison)

Meritocratically Unequal: How the Reification of Merit Hierarchies Fuels Inequality   About the Research In a variety of social contexts, evaluating merit or performance is a crucial step toward enforcing meritocratic ideals. Yet evaluation often obfuscates the...

Tuesday 5 December: Olenka Kacperczyk (LBS)

STORM & The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Center Proudly Present:   Gender Gap in Startup Recruitment: Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity-in-Time Approach   About the Research Women are not only underrepresented as founders in startups...

Thursday 9 November: Farah Kodeih (IESEG)

Building collective resilience in times of rising authoritarianism: Civil society organizations in Orbán’s Hungary About the Research Authoritarianism is on the rise globally, with significant repercussions on civil society. An emerging scholarship has started...

Thursday 12 October: Ilze Kivleniece (INSEAD)

Leviathan as a client: Public vs private contracting of desalination technologies to address water scarcity About the Research Focusing on water provision as a societal grand challenge, we examine the comparative role of public versus private actors in promoting...