Monday 18 December: Fabien Accominotti (UW-Madison)

Meritocratically Unequal: How the Reification of Merit Hierarchies Fuels Inequality   About the Research In a variety of social contexts, evaluating merit or performance is a crucial step toward enforcing meritocratic ideals. Yet evaluation often obfuscates the...

Tuesday 5 December: Olenka Kacperczyk (LBS)

STORM & The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Center Proudly Present:   Gender Gap in Startup Recruitment: Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity-in-Time Approach   About the Research Women are not only underrepresented as founders in startups...

Thursday 9 November: Farah Kodeih (IESEG)

Building collective resilience in times of rising authoritarianism: Civil society organizations in Orbán’s Hungary About the Research Authoritarianism is on the rise globally, with significant repercussions on civil society. An emerging scholarship has started...

Thursday 12 October: Ilze Kivleniece (INSEAD)

Leviathan as a client: Public vs private contracting of desalination technologies to address water scarcity About the Research Focusing on water provision as a societal grand challenge, we examine the comparative role of public versus private actors in promoting...

Tuesday 30 May: Elisabeth Clemens (U. of Chicago)

STORM & The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Center Proudly Present:   Beyond efficiency and capacity: Federal contracting as a political project, 1979­–2018   About the Research (with Yuhao Zhuang)   Contracting reconstitutes boundaries of...

Thursday 4 May: Emanuele Bettinazzi (USI Lugano)

How do categories influence target selection in corporate acquisitions? About the Research In the M&A market, the risk of adverse selection is an essential concern for prospective acquirers when they perceive a potential target to display high levels of...